turquoise - a mineral, hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium

turquoise - a hydrous phosphate mineral of copper and aluminium CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O
I learned to look at hands, which I'd never looked at before...and I learned also that shadows are not black but coloured

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Candy Land.

Remember when you made it all the way to the Lollypop Woods and then drew the card sending you back to the Peppermint Forest? The modern version of the game equivalents are Queen Frosting and Plumpy.

I hate drawing Plumpy. Peppermint wasn't so bad, but Plumpy is the worst. I've been drawing Plumpy a lot lately. I'd really like to get the Queen Frosting card.

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