turquoise - a mineral, hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium

turquoise - a hydrous phosphate mineral of copper and aluminium CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O
I learned to look at hands, which I'd never looked at before...and I learned also that shadows are not black but coloured

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesdays pretty much suck. I get up at 4am so I can get to the weight room early. If I arrive around 5am I can blast through my routine because I don't have to wait for the idiots who are stretching themselves out ON THE MACHINES (can't even tell you how much I HATE THIS), etc. I can pump out my sets, keep my heart rate up, and for the most part not have to deal with the normal weight room drama.

Then I skate for a few minutes.
Then I do bootcamp.

Great! 1000 calories burned all before 8am and I have the entire day to....yeah, not ski.

Unfortunately, I have to go back to Steiner in the evenings from 4:45-7:30. It sucks, I'm hungry, and I'm tired. And I never know what to do with myself because I've already done everything. (East is usually using the pool or it would have potential for a good swim, that, and Tommy said "no swimming at steiner")

I'm griping about this right now because I'd like to go for a run, it's 42ยบ, but I've got all that time at Steiner tonight, so it doesn't seem practical to run now, and then again.

10m run, 30 min yoga

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yeah, that's a pretty serious dilemma. (Why no swimming at Steiner?) I agree that Wednesdays suck. They start early and end late with no breaks. I HATE being in the car that much!