turquoise - a mineral, hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium

turquoise - a hydrous phosphate mineral of copper and aluminium CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O
I learned to look at hands, which I'd never looked at before...and I learned also that shadows are not black but coloured

Friday, December 31, 2010

man's mounting in his bone-house

riddle runner, the run, the why: ?

As a dare-gale skylark
Scanted in a dull cage
Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house

brilliant Hopkins, his word-wit flair!

five wt rm phases complete

1hr. RUN
bc with my new tool, a Buddy Lee jumprope

second run: to be determined by my "mounting spirit" and subject to my bone-house

meager though it may be, the small black frozen footprints in the snow dust are mine

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